The Odyssey B6 theme quotes
- Created by: flyingcolours01
- Created on: 04-01-23 09:37
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- The Odyssey B6
- divine intervention/ fate
- "to his palace the bright-eyed goddess Athene made her way, intent on her plans for the great-hearted Odysseus' return."
- "Athene swept in like a breath of air to the girl's head, leant over her head and spoke to her"- Athene inspiring/ manipulating Nausicaa to go to the river and subsequently meet Odysseus
- suplication
- "consider whether he should throw his arms around the beautiful girl's knees and beg for help"-
- "better to keep his distance and courteously plead his case." - cunning
- "clasp my mother's knees"- key as Nausicaa tells him to go for Areyte not Alcinous
- vivid imagery
- "Nausicaa took the whip and the gleaming reins, and flicked the mules to make them start."
- "then he advanced on them like a mountain lion who sallies out, defying wind and rain in the pride of power, fire in his eyes, to hunt down the oxen" - simile of 'Odysseus being this primitive animal and the vulnerable Nausicaa's who is unsuspecting as she "threw off her headgear and began to play ball prior to the meeting
- xenia
- "we must look after him since all strangers and beggars are under the protection of Zeus"- she is very pious
- "So give him food and drink,g irls , and bathe him in the river where there's shelter from the wind" - key parts of xenia however she doesn't bathe him to keep up her virginal status
- kleos
- "this is how a bride gains a good reputation with people"- how woman get kleios via marriage
- "And may the gods grant you your heart's desire; may they give you a husband and a home" - for her to be fulfilled and have kleos she must have a successful marriage (link to Penelope)
- Nausicaa gazes at him in admiration"- he is so heroic he attracks everyone
- disguise
- "taking the form of the daughter of a ship's catain named Dymas, a girl of Nausicaa's own afe and one of her closest friends."
- structure
- Shifting perspective
- narration via Nausuicaa giving us an outside oerspective to Odysseus' heroic qualitirs
- divine intervention/ fate
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