The occupation of the Ruhr 1923
- Created by: Katie Beaumont
- Created on: 27-05-17 18:55
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- Germany FAILED to deliver the reparation payments in the ALLIES in January 1923
- 60,000 FRENCH & BELGIAN TROOPs had OCCUPIED the Ruhr valley
- This was the INDUSTRIAL HEART of Germany
- As CUNO's GOVT was TOO WEAK take military action, he ORDERED the SUSPENSION of REPARATIONS
- He also SUPPORTED the policy of 'PASSIVE RESISTANCE'
- Where they URGED workers of the Ruhr to go on STRIKE & REFUSE to COOPERATE with the French-Belgian invaders
- In return, the German GOVT would PAY for their WAGES
- Where they URGED workers of the Ruhr to go on STRIKE & REFUSE to COOPERATE with the French-Belgian invaders
- This initially helped to UNITE Germans in a COMMON CAUSE- such as the Communists
- In RETALIATION, the French SEIZED the RUHR COALMINES & RAILWAYS & confiscated German assets.
- The French responded by EXECUTING GERMANS held responsible for the attacks on the French
- The cost of PASSIVE RESISTANCE to Germany was HUGE
- WR was unable to COLLECT TAXES from the RUHR
- The French PREVENTED the delivery of coal to the rest of Germany
- As a result, German FINANCES FELL into TOTAL DISARRAY & they just PRINTED MORE MONEY
- This quickly CAUSED HYPERINFLATION & the currency became WORTHLESS
- As a result, German FINANCES FELL into TOTAL DISARRAY & they just PRINTED MORE MONEY
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