The nature of the UK as a multi-ethnic society
- Created by: Emily903
- Created on: 14-05-16 14:03
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- The nature of the UK as a multi-ethnic society
- The UK has always been a mixed society
- Discrimination and Racism Problems
- Racially prejudiced employers will not give jobs to certain ethnic groups
- Religiously prejudiced employers will not give jobs to certain religious groups
- Prejudiced landlords could refuse accommodation to certain ethnic or religious groups
- If teachers are prejudiced their pupils could not achieve the results and jobs which they are capable of
- Prejudiced police officers could potentially discriminate against certain groups e.g. stop and search
- Effects
- If groups feel they are not treated fairly they will feel alienated and work against society
- Some politicians believe that young black people turn to crime because they do not feel that they can get well paid jobs
- Some politicians believe some young people turn to extremist groups because they feel that they cannot succeed in a prejudiced society, this could led to terrorism
- It can lead to the rise of groups like the BNP which stirs up hatred
- If a multi-ethnic society is to function well, all members must be treated well
- Benefits of a multi-ethnic society
- Less chance of war
- Good progress: new ideas and new ways
- More variety of food, music, fashion and entertainment
- Help people to see others as part of the human race and that we are similar
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