The mass media and audiences
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?- Created by: 09RRzezniczak
- Created on: 11-11-15 18:42
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- The Mass Media and Audiences
- Hypodermic Syringe Model
- The media can 'inject' their messages into the audience, who accept them uncritically.
- Bandura et al (1963) experiment.
- Children were shown a video of a women beating up a bobo doll. After were sent to a room containing a bobo doll and started attacking it.
- Bandura concluded that violent media content could lead to 'copycat violence'.
- Elizabeth Newson
- Noted that children and teenagers are subjected to a lot of violence through the media.
- Prolonged exposure to media violence may have a 'drip'drop' efect
- Noted that children and teenagers are subjected to a lot of violence through the media.
- Morgan (1980)
- "*********** is the theory, **** is the practice."
- Dworkin (1990)
- *********** trivializes **** and makes men violent.
- Criticism
- Catharsis
- Sensitization
- Audiences are not homogenous
- The two-step flow model
- Katz and Lazarsfeld (1965)
- Social networks are usually dominated by 'opinion leaders'.
- Step one: The opinion leader is exposed to the media content.
- Step two: Those who respect the opinion leader internalize their interpretation of that content.
- Criticisms
- There is not guarantee that the opinion leader has not been subjected to a desensitizing effect.
- Katz and Lazarsfeld (1965)
- Selective filter model
- Klapper (1960)
- Selective exposure
- The audience must choose to view, read or listen to the content of specific media.
- Selective perception
- The audience may not accept the message the media is trying to 'inject'.
- Selective retention
- People have a tendency to remember only the things which they agree to.
- Selective exposure
- Klapper (1960)
- Uses and gratification model
- McQuail and Lull
- People use the media in order to satisfy their needs.
- Marxists criticise the model because they suggest that needs may be socially manufactured by the media.
- People use the media in order to satisfy their needs.
- McQuail and Lull
- Reception analysis model
- People interpret media content in different ways according to their class, age, gender ethnic group, etc.
- Preferred reading
- Oppositional reading
- Negotiated reading
- Cultural effects model
- Marxists believe that the media are powerful in 'injecting' ideological values into people.
- The GUMG's research into public perceptions of the miners' strike.
- Criticisms
- 'Cause' and 'effects' are very hard to measure.
- Hypodermic Syringe Model