The Importance of the Privy Council
- Created by: Tasha.L
- Created on: 09-05-16 20:54
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- The Importance of the Privy Council
- The Privy Council was developed from a group of advisors who accompanied the monarch as the court moved from place to place.
- During Henry VIII's reign, Cromwell reduced its size to 19 members and made it more effective.
- It became most effective under the reign of Elizabeth I.
- Although Elizabeth did not attend the meetings herself, the councilors met regularly and so were in immediate control of issues and could quickly respond to crises.
- She also reduced the size of the Council to 19 members, as Mary had increased its numbers to 50.
- This tightened the system and made it more effective.
- The Privy Councilors were involved in array of government areas and issues proclamations on behalf of the Queen.
- They also monitored the enforcement of statutes.
- Although Elizabeth consulted widely, she was the monarch and ruled.
- On many occasions Elizabeth ignored the advise they provided.
- Sir William Cecil was Elizabeth's Chief Advisor.
- He had past experience in government under the reign of Northumberland and Mary.
- He was a maker of policy with the Queen and his fellow Councilors, but he also enforced policy.
- He believed Catholic powers were planning to overthrow the Queen, and so was prepared to punish anyone who betrayed her.
- For this reason he was one of the prime movers in the trial of MQS.
- He held the positions of Principal Secretary, Lord Treasurer and Chief Minister.
- He was devoted to his Queen, and was 'everywhere and everything in Elizabeth's government'
- However, he was not the only advisor to whom Elizabeth paid heed.
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