The importance of fruit and veg

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  • Importance of Fruit and Veg
    • Not enough people are eating fruits and vegetables
    • You should eat at least five portions of fruit and veg a day
    • Fruit and veg should be over 1/3 of what you eat each day
    • Can reduce the risk of developing a heart disease such as coronary heart disease
    • The risk of developing cancer is reduced
    • Good source of vitamins, fibre and minerals
    • Supply of vitamin C
    • Your body cannot provide vitamin C on its own
    • Vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy
    • Vitamin C is water soluble and is an  absorb acid




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Fruits and vegetables Both are necessary for human nutrition, and we should eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. I have always preferred this type of information when write my essay UK and expand my knowledge.



The vegetarian diet has always been my first choice because of fibers and other nutrients part of it. Initially, I wasn't aware of it, however when I received my work from Essay Help, then I came to know about it. 

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