The impact of public Opinion
- Created by: K4typ
- Created on: 29-05-18 19:56
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- The impact of Public Opinion
- Revolutionary 1792-1802
- Helped the country to move as a cohesive unit intially
- people supported the revolution --> troops fighting better revolutionary Elan
- people more willing to accept change
- Napoleonic 1803-1815
- Saw some resistance at the end as as people of France where war weary
- his wars were not overly popular he did create prints, paintings and pamphlets to try and help support the wars
- Strong national resistance from Spain in the peninsular war 1808-1814
- Crimean 1853-1856
- public supported the war
- the use of telegraph meant it was the first published war on a large scale
- it made people aware of shortages and meant government was pressured into sending more supplies
- American Civil War 1861-1865
- Had some impact there was some internal opposition in South against Slavery
- Some people wished to remain out of the war
- people in south did not wanted be ruled by the north
- collapse of southern home-front due to Sherman's march to the sea in 1864
- WW1 1914-1918
- war was more popular in western than eastern europe
- rural areas lacked access to propaganda
- German home front collapsed in 1918 due to shortages
- Blitz by zeppelins in WW1 to attempt to break morale
- internal turmoil in Russia led to Russian withdrawal from war
- WW2 1939-1945
- Appeal to public opinion effected the character of the war
- ministry of information set up ww2
- enemy was demonized as in WW1 but to a greater extent
- Radio used to support war effort pieces composed for war
- Japan appealed to there citizens that it was there imperial destiny
- further mistreatment of civilians - Jewish population
- Austro-Prussian 1866
- Bismark did not rally people for a war against Austria
- Franco-Prussian 1870-1871
- People enthusiastic for it but as a short war not much propaganda required
- Revolutionary 1792-1802
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