Summary Diagram: The Situation in Germany by 1815
- Created by: RossBrooks_
- Created on: 16-06-15 12:06
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- The Holy Roman Empire
- Destroyed by Napoleon in 1806
- French Annexation
- France annexed the territory on the left bank of the Rhine
- Amalgamation (joining together)
- Many small states were amalgamated; the total number of states was reduced to 39
- Reform
- French Annexation
- formed in the ninth century, the empire had little power or meaning by 1800. The holy roman empire was made up of 314 individual states
- Destroyed by Napoleon in 1806
- War of Liberation against France 1814-15
- Prussia
- Rhineland to Prussia
- Vienna Peace Settlement 1814-15
- German Confederation
- Dominated by Austria
- Weak
- The defence of the Confederation depended on the continued co-operation of Austria and Prussia. the Confederation consequently disappointed those Germans who hoped for greater national unity .
- 39 States
- The objective of the Congress was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. The goal was not simply to restore old boundaries, but to resize the main powers so they could balance each other off and remain at peace.
- German Confederation
- Territory gained
- Vienna Peace Settlement 1814-15
- Popular anti-French opinion encouraged the Prussian King to overcome his natural indecisiveness and in January he made an alliance with Russia against France. Drove Napoleon's army back towards France. Austria also declared war on France and Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Leipzig
- Rhineland to Prussia
- Austria
- Influence of Metternich
- Vienna Peace Settlement 1814-15
- German Confederation
- Dominated by Austria
- Weak
- The defence of the Confederation depended on the continued co-operation of Austria and Prussia. the Confederation consequently disappointed those Germans who hoped for greater national unity .
- 39 States
- The objective of the Congress was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. The goal was not simply to restore old boundaries, but to resize the main powers so they could balance each other off and remain at peace.
- German Confederation
- Matternich's aim was the maintenance of Austria's traditional authority over the German states. He was not concerned with German political unity. negotiations at Vienna ensured that Germany would become a loose confederation of states under Austrian control.
- Vienna Peace Settlement 1814-15
- Popular anti-French opinion encouraged the Prussian King to overcome his natural indecisiveness and in January he made an alliance with Russia against France. Drove Napoleon's army back towards France. Austria also declared war on France and Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Leipzig
- Influence of Metternich
- Prussia
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