The Furthest Distances I've Travelled
- Created by: LegendofZelda
- Created on: 14-02-18 23:37
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- The Furthest Distances I've Travelled
- Middle
- Seems to progress from past to present as if she is developing
- Slowly finding the true meaning of travel- begins to make her metaphorical journey
- "some kind of destiny"
- "-that led me..."
- "but to thus post office with a handful of bills"
- Slowly finding the true meaning of travel- begins to make her metaphorical journey
- Seems to progress from past to present as if she is developing
- Opening
- Ignorant perception of the physicality of travel
- "saddled a rucksack" and travelling "On the beaten track, the Sherpa pass..."
- Seems confident and predominantly certain about travel
- "I thought:yes. This is how to live"
- Still a sense of uncertainty
- "like a meridian" and past tense of "I thought"
- Ignorant perception of the physicality of travel
- Close
- Has completed her self-discovery journey
- "I know" contrasted with the opening "I thought"
- Exaggerates her journey of self discovery and the importance of the distances they have travelled
- Has realised the significance of people that they encounter instead of the physcial destination/journey
- "...the furthest distances I've travelled have been those between people"
- "what survives of holidaying briefly in their lives"
- The people they have met have shaped her development- how we develop is through us and the people surrounding us
- The people they have met have shaped her development- how we develop is through us and the people surrounding us
- Has completed her self-discovery journey
- Line lengths extremely varied
- Possibly reflects her development through her journeys within the lines- the longest lines being within the progression of the poem
- Could suggest that narrative voice will not be restricted by boundaries, with a sense of rebellious nature in the poem
- By taking the road less travelled "to this post office"instead of a "Western Union"
- Could exaggerate the narrators abundance of energy and excitement for the journey ahead
- Middle
- Self-discovery/ identity
- Society and culture
- Different cultures/locations presented
- Helps link with the concept that the best journey was between people
- Past and present
- Narrative voice is able to develop from past self to their present mature self
- Helps reader recognise importance/influence of emotional and metaphorical journeys
- Boundaries
- Narrative voice not restircted by boundaries
- Influences reader to reflect on the boundaries forced upon us now as we travel through the journey of self discovery
- Importance of breaking boundaries- to find oneself one has to lose themselves first
- Journeys
- Perception vs reality
- Narrative voice assumed they were only taking one journey-the physical journey
- Inconsistent rhyme scheme/half-rhyme
- Unrestricted, like the narrators journeys
- Full rhyme in last stanza
- Sense of closure and stability as she has disocvered herfeld and the true meaning of travel
- Links to the theme of identity
- Free verse
- Suggests lack of stability
- Inconsistent rhyme scheme/half-rhyme
- Shifting from imagery of the destinations she describes against the initially insignificant souvenirs
- Evokes the grandeur beauty of the locations and the physical meaning of travel, although is not the meaning of the poem
- "...the Sherpa pass, between Krakow"
- Exaggerates the point where her metaphorical journey opens and makes it more symbolic
- "...Zagreb, or the Siberian white cells of scattered airports..."
- "I know these are my souvenirs", calling her paraphernalia her "crushed valentines
- Makes the insignificant significant, reminds her of the experiences she shared with the people she has met
- "I know these are my souvenirs", calling her paraphernalia her "crushed valentines
- Evokes the grandeur beauty of the locations and the physical meaning of travel, although is not the meaning of the poem
- Shifting from imagery of the destinations she describes against the initially insignificant souvenirs
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