The First World War causes and consequences
- Created by: book.of.wisdom
- Created on: 25-06-20 17:41
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- The First World War (1914-1918)
- Causes
- Short term
- The German decision for war
- The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (1914)
- Confusion about the British positon
- Long term
- The economic changes in Europe (1870-1914)
- Balkans
- The first Balkans war 1912
- The second Balkans war 1913
- Morocco
- The second Moroccan crisis 1911
- The first Moroccan crisis 1905
- The Bosnian crisis 1908
- Nationalism
- Aggravated by Vienna’s annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, young Serbs joined radical nationalist groups like the ‘Black Hand’
- These groups hoped to drive Austria-Hungary from the Balkans and establish a ‘Greater Serbia’, a unified state for all Slavic people
- It was this nationalism that inspired the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914, an event that led directly to the outbreak of World War I
- Aggravated by Vienna’s annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, young Serbs joined radical nationalist groups like the ‘Black Hand’
- Imperialism
- When Germany 'arrived' it wanted empire, so the Moroccan Crises were big because each country wanted power, so when Germany tried to get empire, the other countries stepped in to defend
- Short term
- Consequences
- Economic
- Staple industries
- Britain still was not modernising fast enough
- Now they didn't need to build so many boats, the economy was declining
- Britain still was not modernising fast enough
- War debt
- They borrowed lots of money from the US in particular
- Britain didn't want to pay for the war with taxes
- Had to raise taxes anyway to pay debt
- Trade exports
- Germans had bombed a lot of trade ships
- Economic downturn
- Many unemployed
- After the post-war-boom the economy dropped dramatically
- Many unemployed
- Staple industries
- Political
- Women got the vote
- The Liberals split and dissapeared
- Half wanted conscription (Lloyd George) other half didn't (Asquith)
- Half supported Lloyd George, others stayed faithful to Asquith
- Lloyd George was eventually forced out by the Tories after a number of scandals
- Asquith was considered a bad war PM and was forced out by Lloyd George
- More government intervention needed
- Laissez-faire abandoned
- Militaristic
- The
scale and degree of coordination of the military were such that the authorities
couldn’t cope
- the war resulted in huge errors of judgment by the tsar
- Russian army faced awful casualties and conditions: winter of 1916-17 temperature fell to minus 35 degrees
- There were outbursts of anger sometimes leading to desertion
- Near mutiny in some regiments
- the military also turned to mutiny and rebelled against the authority of the Tsardom
- This was a prime example of how the country was beginning to lose leadership and authority from the Tsar
- The
scale and degree of coordination of the military were such that the authorities
couldn’t cope
- Social
- Women workers during the war threatened family values
- Deepened divisions between classes
- Social
unrest grew to levels never seen before
- People directed anger at those directly above them
- strikes, riots or violence against employers and landlords
- People directed anger at those directly above them
- Long queues to buy bread in Petrograd caused significant discontent
- that was an important factor in the February revolution
- The war caused huge hunger and sometimes famine
- thousands lived on the brink of starvation
- Economic
- Causes
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