The Failure of Love
- Created by: Honor Burke
- Created on: 09-02-20 16:47
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- The Failure of Love
- Romantic Cliche
- D and G's relationship is told in flashbacks- confined to the past
- Daisy is Jordan's tragic heroine, the young debutante: 'the officer looked at Daisy ... in a way that every young girl wants', 'of all the older girls I admired her most'
- 'One autumn night'
- 'One October day in nineteen-seventeen
- Motif of Bad Marriages
- 'Most of the remaining women were now having fights with men said to be their husbands'
- 'Neither of them can stand the person they're married to'
- Romantic Anticlimax
- Gatsby is vulgar in his dress: wears 'a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold coloured tie'
- 'Broiling' day (on the day of the Plaza scene)
- Gatsby offers Nick a job, 'a rather confidential sort of thing'
- In Gatsby's house 'a maid ... spat meditatively into the garden'
- Klipspringer: 'a dishevelled man in pajamas was doing liver exercises on the floor'
- Comic 'you're acting like a little boy'
- 'Pouring rain'
- Daisy 'sobbed' into the shirts
- Clock
- 'The clock tilt[ed] dangerously ... he turned and caught it with trembling fingers'
- Gatsby as an anachronism
- Rejected by modern society
- Courtly lover: sat down 'miserably', 'sleeplessness beneath his eyes', not thrown by rejection
- Class
- 'I'll take you in this circus wagon'
- 'I don't know a soul here'
- 'Doesn't he know she doesn't want him?'
- 'Crazy fish'
- Ae fond kiss, At an Inn
- Romantic Cliche
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