The executive - What does it include?
- Created by: katielavers
- Created on: 19-03-18 15:02
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- The Executive
- Role of the executive
- Make policy decisions - The PM and cabinet set political policies in order to determine the country's overall policy direction
- Proposing Legislation - The executive initiates and plans legislation.
- Proposing a budget - the executive makes key decisions on economic policy and proposes a budget.
- Branch of government concerned with formulation and implementation of policy.
- The Prime Minister.
- Head of governmnet
- Chair of Cabinet
- Cabinet
- committee of senior ministers
- Decision making body of government.
- Ministers
- appointed by PM
- have to be specific to policies in government
- Government Departments.
- main administrative units of central government.
- Each deals with specific area of policy
- Role of the executive
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