The Downfall of the Romanovs
- Created by: xavana.studies
- Created on: 04-06-20 20:37
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- The Downfall of the Romanovs - Causes of the 1917 Revolutions
- 1905 Revolution
- Causes
- Japan War (1904)
- Worsening industrial recession
- Governing powers prohibited labour meetings
- Government closed Trade Union groups
- Bloody Sunday massacre (January 1905)
- Consequence
- Local activism
- Worker's strikes
- General protests
- Petitions, meeting and debates
- Some severe terrorist action
- October Manifesto
- Civil rights
- Elected Duma
- Essentially, democratic reform
- Local activism
- Causes
- World War One
- Problems in Russian Military
- Multiple defeats
- Low morale
- Poor decisions
- Tsar took command, 1915
- Anti-war propoaganda
- Economic Crisis
- Shortage of food
- State requisition
- Peasants hoarding food
- Shortage of transport
- Disruption to the system
- Shortage of fuel
- Drastic inflation
- Increased gov. spending and borrowing
- Increased taxation
- 'Gold standard' abandoned
- Decreased wages
- Tsar took command, 1915
- Shortage of food
- Political
- Rasputin's interference
- Declining respect for the Tsar
- Unrest in the Duma
- Social
- Petrograd food protests and riots
- Military desertions and mutinies
- February revolution
- Tsar forced to abdicate by Duma
- Abdicated March 1917
- Provisional Government in place
- Tsar forced to abdicate by Duma
- Problems in Russian Military
- Tsar Nicholas II
- Autocratic
- Abdicated March 1917
- Executed: January 1918
- Opposition
- Revolution-aries
- Social Revolution-aries (SRs)
- A group that attempted to assist the peasantry
- Suffered from:
- Associated with land reform
- Lack of discipline
- Party divisions
- Extremist party members
- Suffered from:
- Associated with land reform
- A group that attempted to assist the peasantry
- Social Democrats (SDs)
- Mensheviks
- Bolsheviks
- Lenin
- "Bread, peace and land"
- "All power to the Soviets"
- Lenin
- Marxist Theory
- Social Revolution-aries (SRs)
- Revolution-aries
- Rasputin
- Born: 1896
- Mystic/faith healer
- Cured Tsars son
- Died: 1916
- Trusted adviser of the Romanov family
- Possible relationship with Tsarina Alexandra
- Political and military interference
- Possible relationship with Tsarina Alexandra
- Discontent
- Aleksander Guchkov
- Planned military coop
- Distrusted the Tsar
- Russia's expansion welcomed migrant communities
- Increased housing demand
- Barracks and shanty towns
- 1 room, 10 people
- Industrial working communities
- Soviet councils did not supply poor communities with:
- Transport access
- Drainage facility
- Poor sanitation facilities = cholera and typhus cases.
- Pure water
- Transport access
- Sewerage facility
- Poor sanitation facilities = cholera and typhus cases.
- Sewerage facility
- Pure water
- Soviet councils did not supply poor communities with:
- The Russian government denied their right to belief and culture.
- Government powers forced migrants to learn 'Russian convention'
- Increased housing demand
- Peasant communities show signs of contempt toward the government
- Aleksander Guchkov
- 1905 Revolution
- Favoured moderate reform and constitutional monarchy
- Obtobrists
- Kadets (The Constitutional Democrats)
- Opposition
- Revolution-aries
- Social Revolution-aries (SRs)
- A group that attempted to assist the peasantry
- Suffered from:
- Lack of discipline
- Party divisions
- Extremist party members
- Suffered from:
- A group that attempted to assist the peasantry
- Social Democrats (SDs)
- Mensheviks
- Bolsheviks
- Lenin
- "Bread, peace and land"
- "All power to the Soviets"
- Lenin
- Marxist Theory
- Social Revolution-aries (SRs)
- Revolution-aries
- Progressives
- A group of businessmen
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