Congress of Racial Equality and African American Civil Rights
- Created by: Alasdair
- Created on: 02-06-17 16:56
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- The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
- Founded 1942
- United white liberal opinion and expertise
- Had specific targets which often resulted in tangible progress
- Legal challenges mounted by NAACP led to key Supreme Court decisions
- Campaigners of CORE focused on key areas
- Two thirds of initial membership white
- CORE's impact includes following:
- Began Freedom Rides in 1947
- Eight white activists challenged segregation on buses in South
- Repeated Freedom Rides to more effect in 1961
- This time, opposition was more pronounced, as was publicity
- Provoked mob violence in Anniston and Birmingham and savage ill-treatment of African-American Freedom Riders in Jackson, Mississippi
- Kennedy was led to authorise Interstate Commerce Commission to desegregate interstate transport,
- It had, as with NAACP's action an immediate result
- Focused action
- Campaign to desegregate schools in Chicago an indication that action for segregation follow NAACP's court victory had been slow
- Began Freedom Rides in 1947
- BUS BOYCOTT (not linked to CORE)
- Significant for other organisations which were formed locally, such as Montgomery Women's Political Council
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