the cold war in the 50s

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  • The cold war in the 1950s
    • Korean war 1950-53 -
      • NK invased SK in june 1950
      • a UN army arrived in korea in sept '50 to push back against nk invasion
      • china helped NK push back UN forces
      • stalemate for 2 years
      • july 1953 - UN, china, NK = signed a peace treaty
      • Impact -
        • showed US commitment to containment
        • SEATO was formed to stop the spread of communism in asia
        • as it didn't escalate, it showed that neither superpower was prepared t engage in direct fighting
    • Warsaw pact -
      • defence treaty
      • USSR, poland, hungary, east germany, czech, romania, etc
      • may 1955 (following west germanys entry into nato)
      • meant there were two opposing alliances in europe seperated by the iron curtain
      • both alliances planned for military action against the other
    • Peaceful co-existence =
      • by Krushchev
      • accepting the existence of the other superpower so that the other sides could exist without having to resort to war
      • early 1950s
      • why? =
        • ussr wanted to improve relations with US
        • korean war ended - so tension was reducing
        • it was hoped that spending on the arms race could be reduced
      • geneva summit (US, GB, france and ussr) = no agreement made but relations improved
      • end -
        • west germany joined NATO - made ussr angry, warsaw pact made, tension made
        • space race still going on
    • Hungary -
      • Khrushchev disapproved of Nagy's reforms ---> if hungary left the warsaw pact, others would too
      • Khrushchev was worried nagy's actions would threaten communist rule
      • nov '56 = khruschev sent 200,000 soviet troops into hungary to remove nagy and restore order
      • results -
        • over 5000 hungarians killed
        • nagy and his gov were removed
        • nagy was arrested and killed
        • new communist leader - Kadar
      • impact of soviet rule -
        • food and industrial products were shipped off to russia
        • any opposition was removed
        • communist rule became very unpopular
      • De-stalinisation -
        • october '56 - bad harvests and bread shortages - hungarians started demonstrating against communism
        • pulled down statues of stalin and local communists attacked
        • Khrushchev appointed Nagy in hungary
      • Nagy -
        • leave warsaw pact and become a neutral country
        • hold free elections leading to no more communist gov
        • UN protection from soviet union
      • International reaction -
        • US supported hungarys uprising with money aid etc
        • satellie states saw US wouldnt protect against ussr - soviet control tightened


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