The challenge of Secularism
- Created by: Sailing26880
- Created on: 11-04-18 12:12
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- The Challenge of Secularism
- Freud
- "The religions of mankind must be cursed as among the mass delusions"
- Religion is a way of an immature mind trying to make sense of a harsh cruel world
- Dawkins
- Calls Religion: non thinking by following religion you don't have to think about your question any more as it is due to God.
- Religion is a delusion making it a great faithful for people as many of them have the same delusion
- Humanist societies see that religion should play no part in a children's education
- Dawkins: agrees, as it is "a form of child abuse"
- Dawson: thinks that many people may loose their identity
- The Queen is the defender of faith, Charles wants to change this to Defender of faiths
- Campbell: government doesn't want to be involved in religion
- Freud
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