The challenge of resource management
- Created by: elsm17
- Created on: 14-03-21 14:55
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- The challenge of resource management
- Resource management
- The global distribution of resources
- what's a resource ? its a stock or supply of something that has value or purpose. Many HIC's have plentiful recourses many of them are imported. NEE's LIC's and countries that are poorer lack recourses and struggle to improve their quality of life
- why are resources significant ? What are the global inequalities ?
- food (significance)--> a poorly balanced diet can cause illness and disease. People need to be well fed to be productive. Obesity is an increasing problem. (inequalities) Over one billion people do not get enough calories. Undernutrition (malnutrition affects a further two billion. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa suffer most from undernutrition
- Energy--> (significance)Needed for light, heat and power. Powers factories. provides fuel for transport. (inequalities) Richer countries consume more energy than poorer countries. The middle east is a major oil supplier; its own consumption is low. As NEEs become more industrialised, the demand for energy will increase.
- How are the demands for food, water and the UK's energy mix changing ?
- Food--> The UK imports about 40% of the total food it consumes (this percentage is increasing)
- Almost 50% of the UK's water supply is used domestically (in the home) Demand for water in the UK is estimated to rise by 5% between 2015 and 2020 because of a rapidly growing population, more houses and an increase in the use of water intensive domestic appliances eg. dishwashers.
- How has the UK's energy mix changed ? Energy consumption has fallen in the UK in recent years due to - the decline of heavy industry and energy conservation (use of low energy appliances in buildings, insulation and fuel efficient cars) By 2020 the UK aimed to meet 15% of its energy requirement from renewable sources.
- in 1990 almost 3/4 cam from fossil fuels eg. oil, coal ---> By 2007 there was an equal mix of coal gas and nuclear energy- non of these are renewable. --> By 2014 renewable sources eg. wind and solar energy had become more important
- The global distribution of resources
- Food Management
- Resource management
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