6.2: The Blood System
- Created by: Katarinanokat
- Created on: 14-04-18 21:31
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- The Blood System
- Circulation
- double cirulation
- separate for the lungs
- pulmonary
- right --> lungs
- right O2 --> body
- separate for the lungs
- William Harvey
- heart = pump
- arteries + veins
- double cirulation
- arteries
- narrow lumen
- thick wall
- muscle pulse
- collagen
- capillaries
- small daimeter
- single cell
- pores
- flows via hydrostatic pressure
- veins
- thin walls
- valves
- large lumen
- tunica
- intima
- media
- adventitia
- heart
- ventricles
- arota
- atrium
- vena cava
- pulmonary
- tri+bi cuspid valves
- aortic valve
- left = thick
- heat beat
- myogenic
- SA node
- av node = bundle of his = ventricle
- medulla oblangata
- low O2, pressure, pH
- systole
- A --> V contracts (blood same direction)
- then ventricle > aorta
- AV then aortic valve open
- A --> V contracts (blood same direction)
- diastole
- both relaxed
- intro A and V
- AV open; A closed
- intro A and V
- both relaxed
- Atherosclerosis
- plaque
- blocked
- diet, age, smoking, genes
- plaque
- Circulation
- epinephrine
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