The Birth of the Weimar Republic
- Created by: MissVampire
- Created on: 30-01-17 16:18
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- The Birth of Weimar Republic
- Defeat for Germany occurred in September 1918 but early signs were apparent in August:
- Germany's failure to achieve rapid victory; The Schlieffen Plan had failed( aimed to defeat France within six weeks)
- Stalemate: Germany was fighting a war on two fronts. Immense pressures on Imperial Germany
- Unrestricted submarine warfare (failed to attack British naval supplies)
- Strength of Allies: USA added to this when it joined in April 1917
- Limitations of German war economy, it was not as prepared as it thought it was.
- Failure of final offensive
- Food and Fuel shortages, Civilian deaths (121,000 in 1916, increased to 293,000 by end) The Spanish Flu, Inflation and Casualties (About 2 million)
- October Reform: Since 1871, Germany was Imperial. Ludendorff (military dictator) pledged to change it into constitutional monarchy. Laid down the origins of the 'Stab in the back' myth. 3rd October 1918, Prince Max Von Baden made chancellor.
- The German Revolution
- 29th October, sailors' mutiny, so by 2nd November, they took control of major ports in protest of the suicide attacks on allies' naval fleet.
- 6th November, soldiers' and workers' councils sprang up. Similar to that of Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. In major cities like Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen.
- Kaiser abdicated power on 9th November, fled to Netherlands.
- Splits among the working class--The Spartacist League (Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. And the freikorps
- 'Provisional' assembly was held. SPD and USPD coalition government formed by Friedrich Ebert.
- The Spartacist Revolt: January 1919, on 5th they occupied all public buildings. Military and freikorps repressed them. 15th, Rosa and Karl murdered.
- Consistution
- Ebert-Groener Agreement: 10th November confirmed the Supreme army commander would support the new republic.
- Stinnes-Legien Agreement: Deal made between private companies and trade union leader, Legien. Agreement to eight hour working day and legal recognition in return for no interference.
- The National Assembly established in Feb 1919: Reichstag, Proportional representation, President and article 48, Reicstrat and landers. Bill of Rights, Supreme court. The continual power of traditional elites (reason to Weimar's downfall)
- Defeat for Germany occurred in September 1918 but early signs were apparent in August:
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