The Beatles- Eleanor Rigby
- Created by: han_rosek
- Created on: 20-04-24 11:44
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- The Beatles- Eleanor Rigby
- Harmony
- Only 2 chords used in most of the piece
- C and Em
- A minor in bar 56-57
- Slow harmonic rhythm
- Refrain uses single chord of E minor
- Chromatic descending idea in viola in refrain adds dissonance
- Vocal part frequently adds mild dissonance
- First notes of verses and refrain have n A that acts as a passing note to the notes of the Em chord that follows
- Melody
- Vocal melody is diatonic in the Dorian mode on E
- Backing vocals have flattened 6th (C natural) making it Aeolian in character
- The melody of the verse is mainly conjunct
- Refrain- distinctive 8ve leap (later extended to rising 10th
- Tonality
- Melody based on Dorian mode on E
- The backing vocals contain C natural (Flattened 6th) making it aeolian in character
- Rhythm, Tempo, Metre
- Repeated staccato crotchets
- Sustained semibreve in refrain
- Vocal melodies- continuous quaver movement
- Syncopation - “Where do they all belong”
- Instrumentation
- Double string quartet
- Vocals by John Lennon and George Harrison
- Division and double stopping
- Cellos static - doubles vocals in final verse
- Viola counter melody- chromatic- Chorus
- Texture
- Homophonic-chordal
- Block chords
- Cellos sustained notes and double voice in final verse
- Structure
- 8-bar intro- violin motif and backing vocals
- Three verses with main sections of 10 bars (2x 5-bar phrases-3-bar vocal phrase, 1-bar instrumental, 1-bar extra vocal phrase OR 4-bar phrase with extra 1 bar
- Each verse followed by 8-bar refrain
- Outro- Combines elements of intro (backing vocals) and refrain- extended by further bar with concluding string phrase
- Harmony
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