The Atavistic Form
- Created by: hollydavies2
- Created on: 25-04-17 08:59
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- The Atavistic Form
- Lombroso- 1870s
- Suggested that criminal behaviour was due to lack of evolutionary development, and crime was committed due to not being able to adjust to civilised society.
- He claimed criminality was hereditable.
- Atavistic Charateristics include: -Narrow Sloping Brow -Prominent jaw -High cheekbones -Dark skin -Extra toes/fingers - Facial asymmetry
- The Atavistic Form
- Lombroso- 1870s
- Suggested that criminal behaviour was due to lack of evolutionary development, and crime was committed due to not being able to adjust to civilised society.
- He claimed criminality was hereditable.
- Atavistic Charateristics include: -Narrow Sloping Brow -Prominent jaw -High cheekbones -Dark skin -Extra toes/fingers - Facial asymmetry
- Suggested that criminal behaviour was due to lack of evolutionary development, and crime was committed due to not being able to adjust to civilised society.
- Supporting Evidence
- Lombroso's Research
- He examined facial & cranial features of living(3839) and dead (383) convicted criminals. He concluded that 40% of them has atavistic features.
- Evaluation.
- Contradicting evidence.
- Gorring conducted a comparison between 3,000 criminals and 3,000 non-criminals. He found NO EVIDENCE that offenders had distinct features. This reduces the support for the atavistic theory.
- Issues.
- No Control group/ non-criminal group was used to compared the criminal sample in Lombroso's research. Therefore we can't establish if the atavistic features were confined to criminals, and support for the theory is reduced.
- Contradicting evidence.
- Lombroso's Research
- Evaluation.
- Contradicting evidence.
- Gorring conducted a comparison between 3,000 criminals and 3,000 non-criminals. He found NO EVIDENCE that offenders had distinct features. This reduces the support for the atavistic theory.
- Issues.
- No Control group/ non-criminal group was used to compared the criminal sample in Lombroso's research. Therefore we can't establish if the atavistic features were confined to criminals, and support for the theory is reduced.
- Contradicting evidence.
- Lombroso- 1870s
- The Atavistic Form
- Suggested that criminal behaviour was due to lack of evolutionary development, and crime was committed due to not being able to adjust to civilised society.
- Supporting Evidence
- Lombroso's Research
- He examined facial & cranial features of living(3839) and dead (383) convicted criminals. He concluded that 40% of them has atavistic features.
- Lombroso's Research
- Lombroso- 1870s
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