Communist rulers were more effective autocrats?
- Created by: lyd_kate
- Created on: 12-05-18 17:04
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- Communist rulers were more effective autocrats?
- Use of terror
- Cheka war commmunism- eventually changed NEP
- Stalin Purge if didn't follow collectives
- Alexander III upped use of okhrana for spying after Alex II's death
- Nicholas II 1/2 of Petrograd garrisons against but did retain support
- Kchev - MVD & KGB under party much easier to administer
- Central Govt
- Duma against the goal of autocracy
- Fundamental Laws but opposition progressive bloc
- Alex II - everyone accountable to the Tsar
- Lenin - 1 party unity - only Bolsheviks
- Stalin - article 126, party = nucleus
- Same with Khrushchev
- Politburo - managed few Bolsheviks
- Duma against the goal of autocracy
- Censorship
- Alex II - 1855 1020 books 1864 1836 books
- People's will intellectuals killed Tsar AIII clampdown, less opposition
- Nicholas II - duma limited- 3rd element continued
- Stalin had to write for USW no strikes
- Lenin - agitprop - idealised
- Kchev 65k 2x more than 1920's
- Alex II - 1855 1020 books 1864 1836 books
- Local Govt
- Alex II - zemstva but controlled by the mir
- Alex III land captains (nobility) managed zemstva
- Nich II freedom of speech - 3rd element
- Lenin removed Zemstva remained throughout
- Use of terror
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