The 1970s and 80s, context and detail

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  • The 1980s and 70s, Influential Bands
    • Kraftwerk
      • In melody maker "for gods sake take the robots out of music
      • "Spineless emotionless sound." review of a show in newcastle
      • "No other band since the Beatles have given so much to pop culture" The Guardian
      • Album covers of their first 2 albums take an industrial take on Warhols banana for velvet underground
      • First advert for autobahn in NME shocked people. Super alien
      • "Radioactivity", sinister undertone, Geiger counter
    • Depeche Mode
      • Use of sampling
      • American Invasion
      • Vince made it poppy and for the masses and Martin made it sinister and art
      • Topics like sexual frustration (literally every song on black celebration) and the male's role in a relationship, questioning dominance and getting alittle ***** ooh. "behind the wheel", "master and servant"
      • Questioning religion and christianity "blasphemous rumours"
    • Gary Numan
      • Converted his punk band to electro punk (tubeway army) "electro is the new punk" analysis
      • Recorded it on a polymoog synth with one finger
      • Was put on medication for asberges, early songs were about seeing the world differently and living with asberges, emmersed himself in scifi writers
      • "David Bowie was theatrical, Gary Numan was otherworldly"
    • Problems
      • Desperate years for GB politically and economically


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