The 1849 Gold Rush
- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 13-05-18 20:28
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- The 1849 Gold Rush
- Background
- Gold was discovered in the West, mainly in Califoria.
- News spread like wildfire so many people came rushing.
- A new route was built 'The California trail'
- The gold was found in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
- Consequenses of the Gold Rush
- Thousands all over the world came including 25,000 Chinese miners from Hong Kong.
- The population of California grew from 15,000 in 1848 to 300,000 in 1855.
- More people grew west to become shop keepers
- Why did those who didnt find anything stay?
- Farming in California developed due to excellent conditions
- California started to export crops over the world
- Crooks and bandits of the Wild West
- The gold rush attracted crooks, bandits, gamblers and outlaws who migrated to male communities that engaded in alcoholism and prostitution.
- Racism towards Chinese Migrants were significant and people would steal others lands.
- Background
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