Tensions leading to WW1
- Created by: Thelovelybones
- Created on: 08-05-14 17:21
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- Tensions in the 2nd Reich leading to WW1
- Primat Den Inner Politik
- Structure of Reich
- Reichstag always backed Kaiser e.g. Alsace Lorraine
- Bundesrat- Prussian elite
- Kaiser
- Demand for const reform- old age and invalidity laws to placate
- Impact on urbanisation
- Motivated competition with Britain
- Class boundaries
- SPD- 1912- largest in Reichstag- 110 seats
- Structure of Reich
- Foreign policy
- Weltpolitik
- Only e.g. Samaon Islands
- Moroccan Crisis 1905
- entente strengthend
- 2nd one
- bully
- Fez violence
- Austria Hungary
- German support
- Annexation of Bosnia
- July Crisis
- Blank Cheque
- Balkans 1912
- Army Bill 1913- 170,000
- Failure of Haldane
- Flottenpolitik
- Navy B 1912- increase ships
- Weltpolitik
- Events
- Zabern affair 1913
- Vote of no confidence to chancellor ignored by Kaiser
- Daily Telegraph 1908
- Von Bulow sacked
- Reichstag forgave Kaiser
- Zabern affair 1913
- Primat Den Inner Politik
- 'racial war...unavoidable'.
- Balkans 1912
- Army Bill 1913- 170,000
- Balkans 1912
- Herero 1905
- Events
- Zabern affair 1913
- Vote of no confidence to chancellor ignored by Kaiser
- Daily Telegraph 1908
- Von Bulow sacked
- Reichstag forgave Kaiser
- Zabern affair 1913
- Hottentot Election 1906
- Reichstag dissolved
- Events
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