Tectonic Hazard Case Studies
- Created by: SammoG
- Created on: 05-02-15 11:37
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- Tectonic Hazard Case Studies
- Earthquakes
- Haiti 2010
- 7.0 MMS
- Slip-Strike Fault
- 14 Billion US$ Damage
- 250,000 Dead
- Damage Low Due to Cheaper Buildings
- Chile 2010
- 8.8 MMS
- Tsunami and Megathrust
- 15-30 Billion US$ Damage
- 525 Dead
- Death Count Low Due To Preparedness
- Japan 2011
- 9.0 MMS
- Tsunami
- 309 Billion US$ Damage
- 16,000 Dead
- Nuclear Power Station
- Indian Ocean 2004 (Boxing Day)
- 9.1 MMS
- Tsunami caused by Megathrust
- 9.9 Billion US$ Damage
- 23,000 Dead
- Kobe 1995
- Megathrust
- 7.2 MMS
- 6,434 Dead
- 102.5 Billion US$
- Land Reclamation Caused Problems
- Haiti 2010
- Volcanoes
- Eyja, Iceland- 2010
- Shield Volcano
- Thick Layers Of Ash Disrupted Farming
- Ash Eruption- Disrupted 10 Million Travellers
- 500 Evacuated
- Soufriere Hills, Montserrat- 1997
- Stratovolcano
- 20 Settlements Destroyed Including The Capital, Plymouth
- 19 Deaths
- 7,000 Evacuated
- Pinatubo, Philippines- 1991
- Ash Explosion
- Reduced Sunlight Reaching Earths Surface By 10%
- Tiltmeters Allowed For Evacuation Saving 10,000's Of Lives
- 92 Million US$ Damage To Public Infrastructure
- 847 Deaths
- Stratovolcano
- Mt. ST Helens, Washington- 1980
- Ash Eruption
- Stratovolcano
- 2.8 Billion US$
- Air travel Disrupted for 2 weeks
- Nevado Del Ruiz, Colombia- 1985
- 15,000 animals Killed
- 5,000 Homes Destroyed Causing 8,000 Homeless
- Stratovolcano
- 1 Billion US$
- 23,000 Killed By A Lahar (Melt Water)
- Eyja, Iceland- 2010
- Earthquakes
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