TB8 P&C Overview; Higher Level Perception
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 16-01-16 16:39
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- TB8 P&C Overview; Higher level Perception (WIP)
- Lecture 1; Face Perception
- Representing faces in the brain
- Physiological represent-ations
- Hierarchical processing
- Simple, complex, hyper-complex, ???
- V1, V2, V4, PIT, AIT
- Simple, complex, hyper-complex, ???
- Cell selectivity for faces
- Hierarchical processing
- The 'grandmother cell' hypothesis
- Critique of this theory
- Physiological represent-ations
- Facial features
- The Thatcher illusion; Glocal v.s local processing
- Types of feature
- Internal
- External
- Configuration
- Impact on familiarity
- Do face cells detect features?
- Missing feature single-cell recording studies
- Facial Identity
- Facial recognition, a learned skill
- Own-race effect
- Face adaptation
- Evidence of short term learning
- Face-coding mechanisms subject to adaptation aftereffects like low level cells
- Face adaptation causes suppression of face cells
- Separate cells code different identities?
- Familiarity effects
- Temporal cortex mapping and celerity faces
- Face view and social attention
- STS and face view response
- Angle of view and activation
- VIEW-centered coding
- OBJECT-centered coding
- Temporal cortex cell populations selective to;
- Combining features
- Eyes > Head > Body for physiological cues toward attention
- Generalising over size, position, orientation, lighting
- Identity
- View
- Combining features
- Facial attractiveness
- Symmetry
- Brain asymmetry
- Perceptual bias
- Brain asymmetry
- Averageness
- Secondary sexual traits
- Skin health and colour
- Hormones and fertility
- Symmetry
- Representing faces in the brain
- Lecture 2; Biological Motion
- Biological Motion
- Percepts generated from biomotion
- Mechanisms Underlying Biomotion
- Brain areas and their properties
- Medial Superior Temporal Sulcus
- V5
- Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus
- Similarities to complex stimuli
- Inter-stimulus intervals
- Activation gradients in STS
- Brain areas and their properties
- Implied Motion
- Mechanisms underlying implied motion
- Neuroimaging the human V5
- Illusionary motion percepts
- Implied motion percepts
- Imaginary motion during mental rotation
- Motion > static
- Neuroimaging the human V5
- Intergrating motion and form
- Superior Temporal Sulcus
- Linking of implied motion to actual motion
- Backscroll illusion
- Linking of implied motion to actual motion
- Superior Temporal Sulcus
- Biological Motion
- Lecture 3; Action Perception
- Why is Action Perception important?
- Social beings
- Evolutionary advantages
- Complex social environments
- Threat detection
- Alliances
- Potential mates
- Fast and automatic; dedicated systems?
- Are there specialised AP systems? (Single cells)
- Hierarchical visual processing
- Monkey STS; cells code for actions & properties
- NOT grandmother cells, population coding!!!
- STS discriminating within variable low-level conditons (useful for identity), still detect actions. Also;
- View-dependent coding
- View-independent coding
- Object-centered coding
- Represents organisation of neurons
- Are there specialised AP systems? (Neuro imaging)
- Bodies > other objects
- Functional specialisation for bodies
- Areas
- STS; dynamic actions
- EBA + FBA; static bodies and body parts
- Social Information from AP
- Perception of intention
- Theory of Mind
- Perception of mouth movements
- Perception of hand gestures
- Sign language and STS
- 'Emotional body language'
- Why is Action Perception important?
- Lecture 4; Mirror Neurons
- What is a mirror neuron?
- Respond to the SIGHT and EXECUTION of a goal directed action
- Hidden actions!
- Action specificity
- What are they for?
- Perception OF actions
- Understand-ing actions & intention
- Theories;
- Simulation theory
- Theory theory
- For touch
- Untitled
- Language?
- Respond to the SIGHT and EXECUTION of a goal directed action
- Areas of the brain containing mirror neurons
- Motor cortex (M1)
- Topo-graphically arranged and single neurons operate single muscles
- Premotor cortex (inputs to M1)
- F5
- Movement of face and sight face movements (ingestive, communicative...)
- F5
- STS? Not yet...
- Motor cortex (M1)
- Human mirror neurons?
- If so, should be found in M1
- TMS experiments
- MEPs (enhanced during action oservations)
- However...it is argued humans DONT have m.neurons bc;
- Indirect evidence, correlational evidence
- Single cell studies in HUMANS, epilepsy surgery
- Indirect evidence, correlational evidence
- Deficits in the mirror neuron system
- Social cognition
- Anatomical evidence (cortical thinning)
- Physiological evidence (mu rhythm suppression)
- Social cognition
- What is a mirror neuron?
- The functional use of tools and multimodal intergration
- Lecture 1; Face Perception
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