TB8 Brain & Behaviour Overview; The Remembering Brain
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 16-01-16 17:24
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- TB8 B&B Overview; The Remembering Brain
- Lecture 1; Brain systems for memory
- Amnesia from hippocampal + surrounding area damage
- Patient HM
- Patient EP
- Korsakoff Syndrome
- Evidence for disassociable memory systems
- Preservation of some abilities in amnesia
- The hippocampus and cue binding
- Amnesia from hippocampal + surrounding area damage
- Lecture 2; The Structure and Function of the Hippocampus
- Structure of the Hippocampus
- CA1, CA3 (core)
- Dendate gyrus (input)
- Subiculum (output)
- Surrounding cortical areas
- Entorhinal cortex
- Perirhinal cortex
- Para-hippocampal Cortex
- Anterior-posterior gradient
- Cellular Mechanisms
- Long Term Potentiation (LTP)
- LTP and memory performance
- Transgenic Mice
- Structural changes at the synapse! (CA1, CA3)
- NMDA Receptors
- Process & Features
- LTP and memory performance
- Long Term Potentiation (LTP)
- Coding in the Hippocampus
- Cognitive maps and Place cells
- Theory of Relational Memory/ Framework
- Recollection v.s familiarity
- Structure of the Hippocampus
- Lecture 3; Memory Represent-ations in the temporal cortex
- Two systems for episodic and semantic memory
- Tulving; Episodic VS semantic
- Squire; Episodic THEN semantic
- Hippo has 'time-limited' constraints, info transferred to neocortex for consolidation
- Amnesia studies
- Semantic dementia pps
- Single and double disassociation studies
- Recent stance; the hippo and neo are two distinct, independent, opposing systems
- Hippocampal and temporal neocortex interaction
- Computation-al models
- Transferring information from the hippocampus to neocortex; consolidation
- Retrograde amnesia gradient
- Retrieval before consolidation (encoding)
- Consolidation
- The role of sleep; SHORT WAVE sleep
- Experimental manipulations
- Reactivation during sleep
- The role of sleep; SHORT WAVE sleep
- Two systems for episodic and semantic memory
- Lecture 4; Control of memory
- Interference
- Retrieval of memory
- Competition of memories
- Source memory paradigm (what AND when)
- Selective encoding and retrieval
- Forgetting
- Retrieval induced forgetting paradigm
- Intentional forgetting? (benefits)
- Traumatic events; PTSD research and suppression
- Retrieval failures following PFC damage
- Confabulation
- Korsakoffs synrome
- Retrieval failures following PFC damage
- Forgetting
- The role of the ventrolateral pFC
- Encoding
- Seperating competing memories
- Retrieval failures following PFC damage
- Confabulation
- Korsakoffs synrome
- Default mode networks
- Task-negative activation
- Varieties of semantic impairments
- SD v.s S aphasia
- Tutorial; Neuro-physiological data
- Lecture 1; Brain systems for memory
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