TB7 Yr 2 P&C Overview
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 22-11-15 19:14
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- TB7 P&C; Types of visual perception
- Lecture 1; Motion Perception
- How to make a movement detector
- The ratio model
- The Reichardt delay detecor
- Types of movement
- Real Movement
- Helmholtz Outflow Theory
- Who wins?
- Sherrington's Inflow Theory
- Who wins?
- Helmholtz Outflow Theory
- Stroboscopic movement
- The movement after-effect
- Direction selectivity
- Area MT/V5
- Apparent motion
- Colour
- Shape
- Inter-stimulus interval
- Induced movement/ the autokinetic effect
- The aperture problem in receptive fields
- Real Movement
- How to make a movement detector
- Lecture 2; Depth Perception
- Pictoral cues to depth
- Linear perspective
- Texture perspective
- Aerial perspective
- Interposition
- Image size (familiar objects)
- Light and shade
- Motion parallex
- Physiological cues to depth
- Accommo-dation of the lens
- Convergence
- Retinal disparity
- Corres-ponding points
- The horopter
- Panums fusion area
- Crossed v.s uncrossed
- Retinal disparity
- Stereopsis
- Resolving ambiguity?
- Binocular disparity
- Disparity selective cells & ocular dominance columns in visual cortex
- Binocular disparity
- Random dot stereograms
- Resolving ambiguity?
- Pictoral cues to depth
- Lecture 3; Visual Development
- Methods used to investigate infant vision
- Preferential looking
- Habituation
- Visually evoked potentials (VEP)
- Visual skills the infant has
- Colour vision development
- Tested using optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) reflex
- Visual acuity (sharpness) (VEP)
- Contrast sensitivity (VEP)
- Depth perception
- Visual cliff paradigm
- Colour vision development
- Object and face perception in infants
- Stages of development
- Synaptic pruning and perceptual narrowing
- Infant imitation?
- The role of experience (nature v.s nurture) in visual development
- Blakemore (1960) Kitten studies and bias of receptive fields and ocular dominance columns
- Active v.s passive vision; Held & Hein, Kitten carousel
- Hess (1956); Chicks do not adapt to altered vision
- Held&Bossom Visual feedback and altered vision (Year 1 practical)
- The oblique effect and carpentered environment?
- Blakemore (1960) Kitten studies and bias of receptive fields and ocular dominance columns
- Disorders in visual development
- Amblyopia and associated conditions
- Astigmatic amblyopia/ astigmatism
- Anisometropic amblyopia
- Strabismus (esotrophia, exotropia...)
- Monocular form deprivation (cataracts)
- Amblyopia and associated conditions
- Methods used to investigate infant vision
- Lecture 4; Perception and action
- Visual Streams
- Dorsal and ventral
- Features of each
- Evidence of the major pathways in the normal population?
- The lack of 'memory' in the dorsal system
- Dorsal and ventral
- Disorders of perception and action
- Blindsight
- Object ataxia
- Visual form agnosia
- Features of these
- Visual illusions and the major pathways
- Titchner circle illusion
- Critique!
- Titchner circle illusion
- Vision and conciousness
- Vegetative state fMRI studies
- The 'problem' of conciousness
- Ultraocular perception
- Attention and V1?
- Visual Streams
- Tutorial; What is the smallest quantity of light we can see?
- Lecture 1; Motion Perception
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