TB7 Yr 2 D&L Overview
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 22-11-15 18:00
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- TB7 D&L; Reading Development and Difficulties
- Lecture 1; Skilled Word Reading
- Mechanisms through which skilled readers decode text
- Grapheme-phoneme conversion
- Regularity and consistency
- How to measure word recognition?
- Lexical decision tasks
- Semantic judgement tasks
- Eye tracking
- Fluency/ efficiency tasks
- Grapheme-phoneme conversion
- Main models of reading
- The Simple View of Reading
- Decoding + Linguistic compre-hension
- The dual-route approach
- The dual-route cascaded model
- Connectionist models
- The Triangle model
- The Simple View of Reading
- Evaluation of main models of reading
- Cross-linguistic differences in reading
- Mechanisms through which skilled readers decode text
- Lecture 2; Reading development in typical and atypical children
- How do children develop into readers?
- Ehri's 4 phase framework
- Pre-alphabetic
- Partial-alphabetic
- Full-alphabetic
- Consolidated-alphabetic
- Ehri's 4 phase framework
- The underlying skills behind reading development
- Decoding
- Print conventions
- The alphabetic principle (mappings)
- Phonological processing
- Phonological awareness
- The phoneme-awareness v.s onset rime debate
- A cause or consequence of learning to read?
- Phonological awareness
- Decoding
- The develop-mental trajectory of reading development in typical and atypical children
- Specific-language-impairment (SLI)
- SLI and dyslexia?
- Down-syndrome
- Specific-language-impairment (SLI)
- Evaluation of key studies of reading development
- Longitudinal studies
- Training studies
- How do children develop into readers?
- Lecture 3; Develop-mental Dyslexia
- The features of dyslexia
- Behavioural
- A specific learning disability of neuro-biological origin...
- Diagnostic
- DSM V; a specific learning disorder called 'reading impairment'
- Behavioural
- The underlying deficits of dyslexia
- Accuracy v.s fluency?
- Symptoms
- An evaluation of theories of dyslexia
- Cross-cultural differences
- Longitudinal family risk studies
- A helpful diagnosis or unecessary label?
- Theories of dyslexia
- A holistic, theoretical framework of dyslexia
- Phonological core variable deficit hypothesis
- Phonological deficit hypothesis
- Alternative theories
- Auditory perceptual deficit hypo
- Cerebellar deficit hypo
- Multiple deficit theories
- Issues with a single unified theory
- Genetic and neural underpinnings of dyslexia
- Brocas area
- Wernickes area
- Fusiform gyrus
- The features of dyslexia
- Lecture 4; Reading compre-hension and compre-hension impairments
- The process of reading compre-hension
- Local v.s global coherence
- What is reading compre-hension? (RC)
- Skills underlying reading compre-hension
- High v.s low level deficits
- The Lexical quality hypothesis
- High v.s low level deficits
- Poor compre-henders
- Symptoms
- High v.s low level deficits
- The Lexical quality hypothesis
- Causes
- A semantic access problem?
- Cognitive demands (e.g working memory
- The effect of training studies
- ReadMe project
- How does this affect the simple view of reading?
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Is the simple view 'too' simple?
- The process of reading compre-hension
- Tutorial; Evaluation of exercise based treatment studies of dyslexia + their methodology
- Lecture 1; Skilled Word Reading
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