TB7 D&L Lecture 1; Key concepts
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 19-12-15 13:24
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- TB7 D&L Lecture 1; Key concepts
- Grapheme-phoneme conversion
- The spelling-sound mapping rules of a language
- Not just simple one-to-one mappings!
- Different languages use different systems
- Alphabetic (symbols code for sounds)
- VARY on orthography, from shallow (simple GPC) to deep (not clear and irregular/ inconsistent GPC)
- Syllabic (symbols code for sounds at the syllable level)
- Logographic (symbols code for MEANING)
- Alphabetic (symbols code for sounds)
- Affected by;
- Regularity
- The degree to which the particular graphemes correspond to particular phonemes
- Consistency
- Is a particular spelling typically pronounced in the same way?
- Any model of reading needs to account for such high rates of irregularity and inconsistency
- Regularity
- The spelling-sound mapping rules of a language
- Phonemes and graphemes
- Phoneme; the smallest unit of SOUND that can alter the meaning of a word
- Grapheme; The basic unit of WRITTEN language. A letter/combo that corresponds to a phoneme
- Methodology for measuring word recognition
- Lexical decision tasks
- Reaction time
- Semantic judgement tasks
- E.g "is this a living thing?"
- Eye tracking
- Provides info on reading speed (decoding) and compre-hension monitering
- Fluency/ efficiency of reading
- Whole sentences/ paras
- Single non/ words
- Lexical decision tasks
- Ambiguity
- Heteronym
- Meaning + pronoun-ciation are DIFFERENT
- SAME spelling
- e.g desert, desert
- Homophone
- SAME pronoun-ciation
- DIFFERENT spelling
- e.g allowed, aloud
- Heteronym
- Grapheme-phoneme conversion
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