TB7 B&B Lecture 3 Summary
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 17-12-15 13:57
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- TB7 B&B Lecture 3; Written Language 1
- English orthography and writing systems
- Logographic systems
- Syllabic systems
- Alphabetic systems
- English
- A few logographs
- Single phonemes, double letters
- Single letters spelling two phonemes
- Same phoneme spelled differently
- Complex grammatial rules
- Regular-isation errors (irregular words)
- How the brain supports written language
- The visual word form area (vwfa)
- Pure alexia
- The right visual field advantage
- The visual word form area (vwfa)
- The effect of brain damage on reading and writing
- Acquired dyslexia
- Peripheral dyslexias
- Pure alexia
- Neglect dyslexia
- Attentional dyslexia
- Central dyslexias
- Surface dyslexias
- Phonologial dyslexias
- Deep dyslexias
- Peripheral dyslexias
- Acquired dyslexia
- Disorders of reading and writing in terms of normal processing
- Dyslexia
- Neglect dysgraphia/ dyslexia
- Dysgraphia
- Neglect dysgraphia/ dyslexia
- Acquired/ develop-mental
- Pure alexia
- Dyslexia
- English orthography and writing systems
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