TB6 Perception & Cognition Overview
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 17-11-15 17:54
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- TB6 P&C; Attention
- Lecture 1; Models of attention
- Constraints
- Structural
- Processing
- Attentional Resources
- Selective attention
- Dichotic listening tasks
- Filter theories
- Early selection
- Late selection
- Broadbents Early filter model
- Stimulus set v.s response sets
- Perceptual load theory
- Capacity models; alternatives to filter models
- Constraints
- Lecture 2; Visual Search
- Display set size on RT
- Feature intergration theory
- Search functions and feature search
- Parallel v.s self terminating/ serial search
- Search functions and feature search
- Controlled v.s automatic processes
- Type-distinct searches
- Semantic guidance
- Threat detection
- Value-driven attentional capture
- Display set size on RT
- Lecture 3; Attentional control
- Automatic v.s controlled processes
- Dual task decrements
- Consistent v.s varied mapping
- Cues in attentional tasks
- Valid v.s invalid cue trials
- Predictive v.s unpredictive cue trials in tasks
- Central vs peripheral
- IRL cues
- Visual spatial cuing
- Eye-gaze cuing
- Reflexive v.s voilitional cuing
- Inhibition of return
- Automatic v.s controlled processes
- Lecture 4; Multisensory Intergration and Cross-modal attention
- Multisensory cells
- The superadditive principle
- Bimodal v.s unimodal stimuli
- Cross-modal corres-pondence
- Visual dominance
- Ventriloquism
- Visible Speech
- The McGurk Effect
- Bimodal v.s unimodal stimuli
- Single v.s multiple attentional resources
- Multisensory cells
- Tutorial; Change Blindness
- Lecture 1; Models of attention
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