TB6 P&C Lecture 1; Models of Attention
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 14-12-15 16:11
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- TB6 Lecture 1; Models of attention
- Key phenomena of attentional processes
- Resource constraints
- Limited neural output
- Selective attention!
- Demonstrated through dichotic listening/ shadowing tasks
- Cherry (1953), no semantic analysis of unattended channels; cross-channel attention cant be divided
- Divided attention studies
- Channel selection
- The mechanical constraints (ear) defines the channel
- Channel switching is hard
- Channel selection
- Demonstrated through dichotic listening/ shadowing tasks
- Processing constraints
- Limited mental resource allocation
- Selective attention!
- Demonstrated through dichotic listening/ shadowing tasks
- Cherry (1953), no semantic analysis of unattended channels; cross-channel attention cant be divided
- Divided attention studies
- Channel selection
- The mechanical constraints (ear) defines the channel
- Channel switching is hard
- Channel selection
- Demonstrated through dichotic listening/ shadowing tasks
- Resource constraints
- Major theories of focused and divided attention
- Early-selection models
- The selection process occurs early in the perceptual system; operating on a perceptual rather than sematic filter
- Info is held in a 'temporary store', and selected for further processing on the basis of physical characteristics
- Info is easily lost if channel switching expected!
- Broadbent's (1958) Filter model
- Key features
- Short term store (analysis of physical)
- Selective filter; selects stimuli to enter further processing
- Limited capacity channel; SERIAL. Time allocation for stimuli, affected by amount of info
- Principles
- Operates alongside the limited nervous system capacity
- Can be overcome to some extent with rehearsel
- Selection based on channel input (PHYSICAL FEATURES)
- Channel switching takes time
- TEMPORARY store of info
- Operates alongside the limited nervous system capacity
- STIMULUS set selection is more effective than RESPONSE set
- Issues
- Does not consider divided attention
- Results contradictory to channel switching idea; e.g pps can hear own name in unattended channel
- Split-span procedures
- Filter attenuation model
- Key features
- Late-Selection models
- Deutsch & Deutsch; all messages analysed to pattern recognition; selection based on meaning
- Stroop tasks
- Concepts
- Filtering; physical basis
- Categorising; processing only occurs if stimulus belongs to a 'class'
- Pigeon Holing; after categorisation, members of the category selected from bias rather than features
- Kahnemans (1973) capacity model
- Limited amount of general purpose processing capacity
- Due to either TOP down or BOTTOM up driven processes
- Inherent difficulty and experience biases allocation
- Enduring dispositions and intentions
- States dual task decrements are due to limited resource allocation rather than task interference
- Limited amount of general purpose processing capacity
- Lavies Perceptual Load Theory
- If load on perceptual analysis is slight, filtering does not take place and targets AND non-targets are processed. When full load, capacity dedicated to targets
- Deutsch & Deutsch; all messages analysed to pattern recognition; selection based on meaning
- An intergrated model?
- Both selective filters and resource allocation
- The controlled parallel scheme
- As long as load does not exceed available resources, parallel processing occurs
- Early-selection models
- Key phenomena of attentional processes
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