TB6 B&B Lecture Overview
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 17-11-15 17:13
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- TB6 Brain & Behaviour Overview
- Lecture 1; Object Recognition
- Dorsal v.s Ventral Visual Streams
- Functional Neuro-imaging of object recognition
- Lateral Occipital Cortex
- Visual Agnosias
- Case study evidence
- Apperceptive v.s associative
- Visual recognition and Visually directed action
- Double dissociation studies
- Lecture 2; Neuro-psychology of Face recognition
- Proso-pagnosia
- Case studies
- Clinical diagnosis
- How specific are impairments in proso-pagnosia?
- Is it specific to face recognition v.s other visual stimuli?
- Within-category recognition
- Face-specificity
- Is it specific to recognition of identity compared to other facial features?
- Diss-associable and associated impairments
- Is it specific to face recognition v.s other visual stimuli?
- Functional neuroimaging of face perception
- (right) Occipital 'face', FFA and STS
- Concious face perception using fMRI compared to other stimuli
- A neural network of face perception
- Haxby's (2000) core neural network
- Proso-pagnosia
- Lecture 3; Functional Specialisation of visual recognition
- Neuro-psychological impairments
- Co-occurring and diss-associable deficits in face, object word recognition
- Farahs part-based and whole-based encoding model
- Category-specific fMRI
- Posterior ventral sensitivity to different visual categories
- Category responsive-ness an everyday task
- Modularity (Marrs)
- Posterior ventral sensitivity to different visual categories
- Inversion and expertise
- Face Inversion in proso-pagnosia
- Greebles and expertise study (FFA)
- Object-form topography
- Haxby's (2001) method, exemplar blocks
- Old and new theories
- Accounting for category specific regions
- Old phrenology v.s neuro-imaging and category-relations
- Neuro-psychological impairments
- Lecture 4; Overt and Covert Visual Abilities
- Concious perception and dorsal/ventral streams
- Blindsight patients
- Amygdala and unconcious responses
- Emotional blindsight, 'fear' faces
- Covert recognition in proso-pagnosia
- Skin conductance response (SCR) studies
- Seperate neural pathways in face recognition
- Capgras delusion
- Skin conductance response (SCR) studies
- Questions in psychological and neurological research
- Colthearts challenge
- Persistent vegetative state neuro-imaging studies
- Faces
- Awareness and intention
- Persistent vegetative state neuro-imaging studies
- Converging operations and dissociation research
- Colthearts challenge
- Concious perception and dorsal/ventral streams
- Tutorial; Congenital prosopagnosia
- Lecture 1; Object Recognition
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