TB5 D&L Topics; Sounds and words
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 19-05-15 19:29
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- TB5 Sounds and words
- Lecture 1; Recognising Speech
- What are the mechanisms underlying language ability?
- The Segmentation problem for speech
- How context can aid in identification of speech sounds
- Key stages of spoken word recognition
- The role of word frequency on recognition
- Lecture 2; Models of spoken word recognition
- Parallel v.s serial models of word recognition
- Key Parallel models of word recognition
- Predictions of Cohort model and Trace model
- How newly learned words are stored
- Key Parallel models of word recognition
- Key Parallel models of word recognition
- Predictions of Cohort model and Trace model
- How newly learned words are stored
- Parallel v.s serial models of word recognition
- Lecture 3;Visual word recognition
- Core theories
- Logogen model
- IAC model
- Research evidence
- What is the effect of key variables e.g word length/ frequency?
- What is the effect of jumbled up words?
- Core theories
- Lecture 4; Production v.s perception
- Problems with empirical methods
- Our understanding of production lags behind perception
- Early research
- More recent research
- More recent research
- Tutorial; Mirror neurons and speech perception
- Lecture 1; Recognising Speech
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