TB4 Brain & Behaviour Topics
- Created by: mint75
- Created on: 13-05-15 13:58
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- TB4 Brain & Behaviour topics; The social and emotional brain
- Lecture 1; Emotion
- Theories of emotion
- Categorical
- Dimensional
- Physiological measures of emotion
- Skin conductance and startle response
- Early neuro- biological theories of emotion
- James-lange feedback theory
- Cannon-barde theory
- Limbic system theory
- Emotion and the brain
- Fear and the amygdala
- Disgust and the insula
- Somatic marker hypothesis
- What is emotion?
- Theories of emotion
- Lecture 2; Social Cognition
- Brain - mind correspon dence
- Consistency
- Specificity
- Self-reference and self-reference research
- Perception of non-verbal social cues
- Facial
- Biological motions
- Eye Gaze
- Social categorization
- Impression formations
- Use face and social category
- Impression formations
- Mirror neurons
- Brain - mind correspon dence
- Lecture 3; Social cognition continued
- Theory of Mind (TOM)/ Mentalising
- Empathy
- Perspective taking
- Self-other distinction
- Neural models
- See, brain regions that mediate emotion sharing
- Modular model
- Empathy
- Empathy
- Perspective taking
- Self-other distinction
- Neural models
- See, brain regions that mediate emotion sharing
- Modular model
- Social Reward and Social Punishment
- Social Reward
- Conformity
- Observer Effects
- Social Punishment
- Social pain
- Social rejection
- How are they processed in the brain?
- Social Reward
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Characteristics, what is ASD?
- Social impairments
- Deficit in TOM
- Lack of empathy
- Social motivational deficits
- Eye-tracking studies with reference to social emotions
- The observer effect in ASD
- Characteristics, what is ASD?
- Theory of Mind (TOM)/ Mentalising
- Lecture 4; Decision Making
- Expected value v.s expected utility
- Prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979, 1992)
- Reference dependance
- Probability weighting
- Prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979, 1992)
- Reward and the brain
- Reinforcement
- Primary/ Secondary
- Positive/ negative
- Intercranial self stimulation research
- The role of dopamine
- Reinforcement
- Temporal discounting
- Human neural imaging studies
- What is it?
- Social decision making
- Ultimatum game
- 'Unfairness'
- Ultimatum game
- Heuristics in decision making
- What are they?
- Framing effect
- Status quo (default) bias
- Decoy effect
- Expected value v.s expected utility
- Tutorial; Economic games and Psychology
- Lecture 1; Emotion
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