Sustainable urban areas (cont)
- Created by: Jake Robertson
- Created on: 09-05-13 14:29
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- Sustainable urban areas (cont)
- Features of a sustainable city
- Environmental
- Reduced ecological footprint
- Reduce impact on environment
- Improved visual appearance
- Green spaces
- Social
- Sanitation services e.g clean piped water, mains sewage etc
- Affordable, adequate housing
- Education
- Health
- Economic
- Employment opportunities
- Transport networks
- Fair wages
- Political
- Human rights e.g freedom of speech
- Equal oportunities
- Environmental
- Curitiba
- Bus rapid transport system
- One price no matter how far someone travels
- Used by 85% of the population
- Traffic and air pollution in Curitiba is the lowest in Brazil
- Bus stops are mobile, and can therefore cater for an expanding city
- Green areas
- 51.5m^2 of green space per inhabitant
- 28 parks and wooded areas
- Residents planted 1.5m trees along streets
- Free education centres called lighthouses of knowledge. Include labraries and internet access
- Flood waters are diverted into lakes in parks
- Stops dangerous flooding, illegal settlers, and provides aesthetic value
- Ranked 3rd in a list of the world's greenest cities in 2007, resulting in 99% of residents being happy with Curitiba
- Efficient waste disposal system
- Residents can exchange rubbish for food and bus tickets
- Less garbage dumped on roads and in rivers
- Children can exchange recycling for school supplies, chocolate, toys and show tickets
- 70% of trash is recycled
- Paper recycling alone saves 1200 trees per day
- Schemes to provide jobs and employment for 400000 unemployed living in 15 prepheral towns
- 50000 new homes biult
- 1.8m population
- Bus rapid transport system
- Features of a sustainable city
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