Sura 4 - Themes
Mindmap outlining the major themes that are in Sura 4
- Created by: JMitch
- Created on: 27-05-13 14:12
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- Sura 4 - Themes
- Family
- Can marry up to 4 Women - but 'do not incline to one of them' (Sura 4:129)
- Divorce acceptable but wanted to be avided
- Have arbitration with representation from each familky
- 'If they separate (through divorce) Allah will provide abundance for everyone' (Sura 4:130)
- 'Men are the protectors and maintainers of women .. but the righteous among you will be devoutly obedient' (Sura 4:34)
- Men have the right of direction
- Men can chastise women, refuse sex or beat (lightly is only implied)
- Women have to be chaste before marriage
- 'You are forbidden to inherit women against their will' (Sura 4:19)
- Adultary outlined as illegal - need 4 witnesses as proof
- Women have the right to their Mahr (Dowry)
- Orphans
- Have a duty to protect orphans - 'Stand firm for Justice for Orphans' (Sura 4:127)
- Protect their wealth - only take what is fair if you cannot afford their care
- Needed to be addressed following Battle of Uhud - 70 Muslims killed
- Inheritance
- 'There is a share for men and a share for women' (Sura 4:7)
- Fundamental principle is that women get half of the amount of a man - as men support the family
- Ayat 176 - later addition - what to do if no hiers
- Jihad
- 'Fight against the friends of Shaiten' (Sura 4:76)
- 'Whoso fights in the cause of Allah and is killed pr gets victory we shall bestow onto him a great reward' (Sura 4:74)
- Told not to start the fighting - only when it is ordained on them
- Enemies
- 'Fight against the friends of Shaiten' (Sura 4:76)
- Enemies can repent and find Allah Merciful
- Enemies who don't repent will face torment in Hell
- Hypocrites
- Context: - They had betrayed Muhammad in the Battle of Uhud
- Shouldn't dispute prophet - ie. don't turn away in battle
- Have to practice Islam not just know it - 'They mislead none but themselves' (Sura 4:113)
- Shouldn't dispute prophet - ie. don't turn away in battle
- Muslims should 'guide them to the straightway' (Sura 4:68)
- Muslims shouldn't befriend non-believers - Issues in Modern Day?
- Hypocrites will be punished in Hell, but can save selves by repenting to Allah
- Context: - They had betrayed Muhammad in the Battle of Uhud
- Jews
- Have the scriptures but were distorted or ignored
- Following Torah is straying from the path
- Punishment for Jews who turn from Allah - but rewards for those who are good or revert to Islam
- Jews believe Maryam was adulterous - this is incorrect she had a virgin birth
- They did not kill Isa, only a look-a-like
- Have the scriptures but were distorted or ignored
- Christians
- Divided over Trinity but Sura 4 instructs: 'Say not "three"' (Sura 4:171)
- Isa will return on the Last Day
- Qur'an is true - injeeel was distorted
- Tawhid
- Told to reject Trinity
- Allah is the protector - 'he is a better protector to both' (Sura 4:136)
- Ayat 136 affirms necessity of belief in the articles of faith
- Omniscient: '[had the Qu'ran] been from other than Allah, they would surely find therein much contradictions' (Sura 4:82)
- Merciful: 'Allah wrongs not even the wieght of an ant, but if there is any good He doubles it and gives from him a great reward' (Sura 4:40)
- Risla
- Muhammad is the same as the other messengers
- Implies Nuh, Dawud, Musa, Ibrahib, Isa were actually preaching Islam
- Allah revealed Torah, Zabur and Injeel: 'beleve in what we have revealed to Muhammad confirming what is with you' (Sura 4:147)
- Muhammad is the same as the other messengers
- Akirah
- Burn in 'Painful Torment' if Qur'an isn't followed
- Allah accepts repentance
- 'Avoid the great sins and we shall remit from you your (small) sins and admit you to a Nobel Entrance' (Sura 4:31)
- Skins changed as boiling water is poured over you to renew your torment
- Family