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?- Created by: Poppy Gregson
- Created on: 01-03-16 16:48
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- Sudetenland 1938
- Czechoslovakia was a country created by the Treaty of Versailles after WW1
- A part of Czechoslovakia used to belong Germany
- The Sudentenland was an important industral area
- 3 million people of 'Germanic origin' lived in the Sudetenland.
- The Sudetenland was rich in natural resources
- Impact on Czechoslovakia
- military
- Border defences would be lost, no defences on new border
- Economic
- Industrial resources (lose 70% of iron and steel industry and 70% of its electrical power
- Political
- Czechoslovakia's independence would be nominal as could not defend itself from Hiter
- military
- Event
- May 1938
- Hitler had told his generals to draw up a plan 'operation green' to smash Czechoslovakia by military action
- 20th May- the Czech army mobilized on their border. This was exactly what Hitler wanted, he accused the Czechs of threatening Germany.
- Hitler was warned by Britain and France about the dangers of war. Hitler was forced to back down- he was more determined than ever
- 20th May- the Czech army mobilized on their border. This was exactly what Hitler wanted, he accused the Czechs of threatening Germany.
- Hitler had told his generals to draw up a plan 'operation green' to smash Czechoslovakia by military action
- September 1938
- After Hitler took Austria he made it clear that he wanted to do the same in the Sudetenland.
- On the 7th of September 1938, the German sudetn party demanded union with Germany
- There were riots, German newsreel showed 'evidence' of Czech 'atrocities' against the Sudeten German. Hitler demands the Sudetenland became part of Germany
- On the 7th of September 1938, the German sudetn party demanded union with Germany
- After Hitler took Austria he made it clear that he wanted to do the same in the Sudetenland.
- GB, France, Italy and Germany had avoided war
- May 1938
- Czechoslovakia was a country created by the Treaty of Versailles after WW1
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