Successes of the Directory (1795-1799)
- Created by: Cazzalarr
- Created on: 20-05-16 09:25
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- Successes of the Directory (1795-1799)
- Finance
- National debt written off - 1792
- New taxation system to centralise tax collection
- Government issued bonds to buy national property
- War and Military
- Successful campaigns in Switzerland and Italy
- Generals kept the survial of the army
- The terror had seen conscription increase the army's size
- The Constituion
- Designed to prevent people from having too much power
- The Coup of Fructidor - 1797 - created better democracy
- Inbetween the left and right wings of royalist and republic
- Political
- Prevented political extremism
- Prevented the concentration of power in one person's hands
- Finance