Substance use mindmap
- Created by: rstrange
- Created on: 07-06-17 03:04
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- Substance use disorders
- Abuse
- Effects on functioning
- Recurrence
- Features
- Tolerance
- Risky use
- Truancy
- Dropping grades
- Time spent sourcing substance
- Binging
- More comorbid behaviour
- Epidemiology
- Prevalence
- Greater for adolescent boys
- Boys also start earlier
- Greater for adolescent boys
- Associated disorders
- Psychotic disorders
- CD
- Depression & anxiety
- Prevalence
- Sher's biopsychosocial model
- Enhanced reinforcement pathway
- Genetic risk
- Positive expectations
- Substance use predisposition
- Positive expectations
- Genetic risk
- Stress & negative affect pathway
- Dysphoria/negative feelings
- Substance use as coping mechanism
- Dysphoria/negative feelings
- Deviance-prone pathway
- Rejection by prosocial peers
- Deviant peer group
- Introduction to substance use
- Deviant peer group
- Rejection by prosocial peers
- Enhanced reinforcement pathway
- Treatments
- 12-step programs
- Examine & change beliefs
- Family therapy
- Motivational enhancement therapy
- Stages of change
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Action
- Maintenance
- Relapse
- Termination
- D.R.E.S.S
- Stages of change
- Abuse
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