Strengths and Weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution
- Created by: Mil_The_Lion
- Created on: 23-03-15 16:58
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- Strengths and Weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution
- The democratic nature of the Constitution
- A secret ballot was used to elect the Reichstag
- The Reichstag was elected by the German public
- The Reichstag had the power to block laws put forward by the Kaiser or Bundesrat
- Universal male suffrage over the age of 25
- The Reichstag had the power to alter the army budget
- The increasing role of the Reichstag and 'pressure from below'
- The SPD was growing in influence in the Reichstag - by 1910 there were 720,000 members
- The Reichstag passed a vote of no confidence against Bethmann in the Zabern Affair - shows they are using their powers
- The Reichstag voted against Bulow's budget in 1905 - demonstrates their use of constitutionalpowers
- Coalitions in the Reichstag are made by the Chancellor in order to pass laws
- Weaknesses in the 1871 Constitution and Constitutional powers
- The Kaiser had the power to dissolve the Reichstag in order to eliminate opposition - 1905 budget
- The Reichstag only had the power to debate and block legislation, it could not introduce its own
- The Kaiser could break any democracy in the system:
- Able to dismiss the Reichstag
- Ignored vote of no confidence - Zabern Affair
- The Kaiser could dismiss Chancellors - Caprivi, Bulow
- Evidence of 'autocracy' = Kaiser Wilhelm's 'personal rule'
- The Kaiser surrounded himself with his supporters
- The Kaiser was able to dismiss Chancellors to ensure he got his own way
- The Kaiser's personality mean he abused his powers to keep himself in control of politics
- The Kaiser valued the influence of the military and allowed them to abuse their power - Zabern Affair
- The democratic nature of the Constitution
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