Stop and Search under PACE 1984
- Created by: Heidi~B
- Created on: 13-01-14 11:40
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- Stop and Search under PACE 1984
- Section 1
- in a public place - street, care park, garden (if they dont live there) and vehicle.
- Reasonable Grounds - suspecting that the person is in possesion of stolen goods or the vehicle contains stolen goods of prohibited articles
- Osman V DPP (1999) - stopped by police officers who didnt give their name or station, which was help to be unlawful.
- Section 2
- Police can only ask to remove = Jacket, Outercoat and Gloves, in public.
- If a thorough search is needed it must be out of public view or in the police van.
- Misuse Drugs Act (1971) and Terrorism Act (2000)
- Problems
- Overuse of power - metropolitan police in London 40% under PACE
- Black people are seven times more likey to be searched than white people.
- Over 1,200,000 S&S recorded. Under PACE.
- Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
- Code A
- Guidance
- Section 1
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