Waiting for godot - steer aspects
- Created by: Ellen Hannah
- Created on: 19-05-14 15:45
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- Steer aspects
- Themes
- Reality
- Indecision
- Things falling apart
- Negativity
- Repetition
- Bordom/frustration
- Meaingful/meaningless
- Humour
- Bleakness
- Characters + relationships
- Vlad + Est
- The boy + Vlad
- Pozzo + Lucky (last years paper)
- All four together/constrated
- Effects on audience
- Angry
- Mystified
- Alienated
- Frustration
- Humour
- Sinister
- Distrubed/unsettled
- Literary tradition
- Tragi-comedy
- Two acts
- Ajacency pairs - characters
- Modernism experimenting/rejecting the past
- Existentialism
- French - philosophy Irish - playing with language
- Themes
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