Statutory Interpretation Mind Map
- Created by: aKayc
- Created on: 15-11-22 12:16
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- Statutory Interpretation
- Common Law Rules of Interpretation
- The Literal Rule: Words are given their plain, ordinary meaning even if the result is absurd.
- Whiteley v Chappell: A dead person is not literally 'entitled to vote' so defendant couldn't be guilty.
- The Golden Rule(Narrow) Interpretation between possible meanings is allowed to avoid an absurd result
- R v Allen: 'shall marry' means the same as going through the ceremony of marriage
- The Mischief Rule looks to see what 'mischief' the Act was meant to cover and interpret the act accordingly
- Elliot v Grey: The car was an uninsured hazard so came under the Road Traffic Act
- The Purposive Approach looks to see what Parliament meant to achieve in the act
- Jones v Tower Boot Co: Ruled that Parliament's intention was to eliminate discrimination
- Golden Rule (Wider) Words of the statute can be modified to avoid a repugnant result
- Re Sigsworth: Act was amended so that you can't inherit if you killed the person
- The Literal Rule: Words are given their plain, ordinary meaning even if the result is absurd.
- Rules of Language
- Ejusdem Generis: Where a list of words is followed by a general word, it is limited to the same type of words as those in the list
- Hobbs v CG Robertson: Brick was not ejusdem generis with stone/****
- Expressio Exclusio: Where a list of specific words isn't followed by a general word, the act applies only to the list
- Tempest v Kilner: Stocks weren't specifically mentioned so the act didn't apply
- Noscitur a sociis: Words must be looked at in context
- Inland Revenue v Frere: Definition of interest was decided to mean only annual interest
- Ejusdem Generis: Where a list of words is followed by a general word, it is limited to the same type of words as those in the list
- Intrinsic Aids To Interpretation
- These are found within the statute and can also help define words
- E.g. Long title, Preamble, Marginal Notes, Headings
- These are found within the statute and can also help define words
- Extrinsic Aids To Interpretation
- These are matters outside the Act which can help explain the meaning of words in the Act
- E.g. Previous Acts of Parliament, Historical Setting, Hansard, Reports of Law reform Bodies
- These are matters outside the Act which can help explain the meaning of words in the Act
- Common Law Rules of Interpretation
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