Star Wars
- Created by: be.lla_w
- Created on: 05-01-17 15:49
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- Star Wars
- Instruments & Techniques
- Percussion
- Brass
- Strings
- Harp Glissando
- Violin Tremolo
- Rhythm
- The use of triplets and the pedal create the effect of a march
- Minims
- Triplets
- Crotchets
- Semiquaver
- Tonality & Harmony
- B Flat Major
- Added 6th Chord
- Bars 12 + 13
- Quartal Harmonies
- Throughout
- Pedal
- Bars 12 - 14
- Bar 20
- Bar 36 - 38
- Bar 51 - 60
- Luke Skywalker Leitmotif
- Blade Runner Leitmotif
- Dynamics
- Begins fortissimo
- Crescendo bar 17 then goes to fortissimo
- Diminuendo bar 35 to piano
- Crescendo bar 39-41 reaching fortissimo
- The final bar has a small diminuendo down to pp
- Musical Styles
- start
- Brass Instruments
- Triplets
- Adds Strength
- Melody
- Luke Skywalker Theme 1
- ascending and descending shape
- Conjunct & Disjunct - MAINLY disjunct
- Begins on the Beat - STRONG
- Range = 8ve
- Uses Minims and Trilpets
- Luke Skywalker Theme 2
- ascends than descends - Arc Shape
- Conjunct in 2nds
- Range = 8ve
- Uses quavers
- Anacrusis
- Rebel Blockade Runner Theme
- Anacrusis
- Conjunct
- Descending Shape
- Accidentals
- Range 8ve
- Sextuplets
- Luke Skywalker Theme 1
- Metre & Tempo
- Opening Tempo - crotchet=100
- Rit. at bar 20, then returns to opening tempo
- Bar 51 the tempo increases to crotchet=160
- Instruments & Techniques
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