IGCSE English Lit - The play "Journey's End" - possible exam question
- Created by: Polinis
- Created on: 13-04-16 17:51
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- Stanhope comments that Trotter has 'no imagination'. Do you think this is a fair assessment of Trotter? Remember to support your ideas with details from the play.
- Yes
- When Trotter asked Osborne of what he was reading
- Alice in Wonderland
- Trotetr said it was a kids' book
- No imaginaion to use it as a coping mechanism
- Trotter didn't undesrtand what it was about
- Trotetr said it was a kids' book
- Alice in Wonderland
- Compared to other characters in the play
- Stanhope
- Looks thorugh objects/people
- Over-imagininig his girlfriend's/ father's/ Raleigh's reaction to his bad habits
- Osborne
- Teaches Raleigh
- Uses vocab. from rugby /cricket
- Reads fantasy books
- Coping mechanism
- Teaches Raleigh
- Hibbert
- Had imagination to come up with neuralgia
- Raleigh
- being excited about...
- ...the raid
- ....being in Stanhope's company
- being excited about...
- Stanhope
- 'No imagination'
- A metaphor for 'no feelings' ?
- Black humour
- Trotter jokes about war
- Eating
- Peole migth assume he only cares about food
- Always changes subject when talking about the war
- Peole migth assume he only cares about food
- Trotter was moved up a rank because of someone's death
- Was moved up again after Osborne's death
- Still celebrated at the dinner after the raid
- Was moved up again after Osborne's death
- Black humour
- A metaphor for 'no feelings' ?
- When Trotter drew 144 circles to count down the hours
- Trotter later forgot to fill them in
- Got bored?
- No imagination
- Got bored?
- Trotter later forgot to fill them in
- When Trotter asked Osborne of what he was reading
- No
- Coping mechanism
- Gardening - images/ remembers his flowers/ has photos
- Talks in a metaphor woth Osborn to cope at the war
- One of Stanhope's mechanism is acceptance of the war/ joking that would die
- Drew an illustration on Trotter's 144 circle hour counter
- This is however not Trotter's way of coping
- Gardening - images/ remembers his flowers/ has photos
- When Trotter came with Raleigh , and talked to Osborne about seeing Stanhope veyr drank at night
- Told that Stanhope was taking to Raleigh as if he was a 'school kid'
- Type of imagination/ assumption
- He has imagination, but didn't use it
- Told that Stanhope was taking to Raleigh as if he was a 'school kid'
- Conflict
- Social classes
- Lower class
- Simple
- Trotter moved up a rank / in a middle class from a lower class
- Stanhope doesn't like it, because he was born in a middle class
- Offends Trotter
- Stanhope thinks he is still better than Trotter
- Stanhope doesn't like it, because he was born in a middle class
- Lower class
- Social classes
- Coping mechanism
- Yes
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