Stalins Show Trials
- Created by: Niall Scullin
- Created on: 22-01-19 20:46
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- Stalins Show Trials
- Lenin's Death led to power struggle
- Between Stalin and Trotsky. Stalin wins and Trotsky is exiled in 1929
- Stalin introduces 5 year plans. Displeasure from Zinoviev and Kamenev
- Murder of Sergei Kirov led to a series of purges.
- Kamenev and Zinoviev sentenced to imprisonment aswell as prominent party leaders
- Convicted and shot on August 24th
- In second show trial, various charges including terrorism, sabotage,
plotting the assassination of party leaders
- 13 arrested and shot
- In third show trial (the ‘Great Purge Trial’), charges against the
defendants included espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union’s enemies,
involvement in the assassination of Kirov, and attempting to undermine
socialism and restore capitalism.
- Of the twenty defendants, seventeen were shot, including Bukharin and Yagoda
- In third show trial (the ‘Great Purge Trial’), charges against the
defendants included espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union’s enemies,
involvement in the assassination of Kirov, and attempting to undermine
socialism and restore capitalism.
- 13 arrested and shot
- In second show trial, various charges including terrorism, sabotage,
plotting the assassination of party leaders
- Convicted and shot on August 24th
- Kamenev and Zinoviev sentenced to imprisonment aswell as prominent party leaders
- Between Stalin and Trotsky. Stalin wins and Trotsky is exiled in 1929
- Lenin's Death led to power struggle
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