How society changed under Lenin an Stalin
- Created by: apple87
- Created on: 12-05-15 14:10
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- How society changed.
- Women
- Lenin's Russia 1917-24
- Women allowed to work
- Abortion made legal
- Crèches were planned.
- Divorce made easier
- To free women.
- Cultural revolution 1928-31
- Had highest divorce rate.
- 1.5 million abortions.
- Women became more exploited..
- Men deserted women wen became pregnant.
- Had to work at home and in factories.
- The great retreat 1932-39
- Abortion illegal
- Divorce more expensive,
- Child benefit payments
- Women still occupied traditional roles.
- Lenin's Russia 1917-24
- Children
- Lenin's Russia
- Youth groups to create good socialists.
- Pioneers for under 14.
- Komsomol was much more serious.
- Created dedicated socialists.
- Formal teaching and discipline was seen as bourgeois and removed from schools.
- The great retreat.
- Education made more rigorous and strict.
- Uniforms strict discipline.
- Subjects like History were controlled
- Role models such as Pavlik Morozov to encourage part loyalty rather than family.
- The Cultural revolution.
- Schools focused on practical skills
- 150,000 enrolled in technical and political collage courses.
- To create skilled working class
- 150,000 enrolled in technical and political collage courses.
- Schools focused on practical skills
- Lenin's Russia
- Art and culture
- Lenin's Russia
- Great creativity and freedom.
- Needed to educate the masses and strengthen the party.
- Cultural revolution
- Organisations set up to create art for working classes.
- The Russian Association of Proletarian Writers.
- Had to convey a specific message.
- Easy to understand.
- The great retreat.
- Censorship constantly changed.
- Books and films were re edited
- Artists became victims of the terror
- Lenin's Russia
- Religion
- Lenin's Russia
- Used civil war to loot church
- Decree on the separation of church possessions.
- Cultural revolution
- Onslaught continued
- 82% of churches closed
- The Great Retreat
- Attacks continued 1 in 40 open by end of 1940.
- Churches were allowed to open when Nazi's invaded.
- Gave people hope.
- Lenin's Russia
- Importance of family
- Stalin wanted loyal productive, socialist citizens.
- Had to return to the central importance of family
- Cult of Stalin
- At first portrayed as loyal pupil of Lenin.
- History re written to show Stalin as Lenin's right hand man.
- Power struggle was written out.
- Towns, mountains, streets named after Stalin.
- Stalin's birthday became a national holiday.
- After WWII achieved god like status
- Image projected in the sky on his 70th birthday.
- Became master of Eastern Europe.
- Women
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